Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Foodie Blog Roll

Check out my Foodie Blog Roll on my side bar! I am so thrilled to be accepted. It is the first of its kind and is one of the fastest growing online communities for foodbloggers. So if you have a blog that is 50% food content...then what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get on the Foodie Blog Roll!


Unknown said...

I'll have to remember this. I'm thinking of starting a food blog. Either "From my test kitchen" where I try recipes I find online and write about how I had to change them (always have to change them) or a blog about taking fattening recipes and making them healthier. Anyways, I ramble and thanks for sharing!

Marrid66 said...

Too cool! Congrats on the acceptance.

Karen aka marrid66

Here On Columbia Avenue

4 Cats Make Me Crazy!

Da Boss And Bryguy

Anonymous said...

That's so great! Hopefully it will drive more traffic to you congrats!

Anonymous said...

I love the foodie blog roll. I've found dozens of blogs that I visit on a near daily basis just from this wonderful blog roll. So glad you joined!

I left you an award on my blog :)

The Daily Dish

Thistlemoon said...

Welcome, welcome! So glad you joined!

Swapna said...

Hi , Congrats on joining the foodie blogroll.. I like your blog

Anonymous said...

COngratulations on the blog roll!! I love the blog layout too!! :)

Gorgeous Beaches of Goa