Saturday, October 11, 2008

Amish Peanut Brittle Recipe #2


2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup white Karo Syrup
1/2 cup water
1 (8 oz.) package of raw peanuts
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking soda (sifted)

IMPORTANT: Have ready a buttered cookie sheet.

Cook the sugar, water and syrup until mixture threads (approx. 10 to 12 minutes).
Add sale and raw peanuts and stir constantly.
Cook until peanuts are toasty brown (approx. 10 minutes).
Remove from heat and add baking soda.
Stir quickly and thoroughly.
Pour at once onto prepared cookie sheet.
Let mixture spread itself.
Cool and break into pieces.

Don't forget to check out Amish Peanut Brittle Recipe #1


Marrid66 said...

Peanut Brittle? Did someone say peanut brittle? I love it. Much to the dismay of my waistline! lol

Karen aka marrid66

4 Cats Make Me Crazy!

Da Boss And Bryguy

Here On Columbia Avenue

Anonymous said...

i love peanut brittle too, thanks for sharing 2 recipes. as for the putok recipe, it's hard to give you the recipe because our baker doesn't measure the ingredients, im sorry for that.

have a great week ahead. and thanks for visiting. ;)

Anonymous said...

Everyone in my family loves peanut brittle. This is the easiest recipe for pb I've ever seen. I know what I'm surprising everyone with this weekend.

Gorgeous Beaches of Goa