Saturday, August 8, 2009

Working on the Kitchen Again

I don't know what's the matter with me, but I keep wanting to do some more remodeling to my kitchen. I just can't get it the way I seem to want it. This morning I started looking into what I can do to spruce it up a little bit more. I actually starting looking at granite counter tops Tacoma brand. I really do like those.

Now my next biggest project or milestone is going to be convincing my husband I need those new counter tops. The last time we did some remodeling in the kitchen it turned into a one big huge disaster. It literally had our entire house a mess and he just couldn't cope. I knew it was going to be like this, but apparently he had no idea. I think maybe before I plan this new counter top installation, I will wait until he has some business he has to attend to out of town. That would be about the only way I can convince him of it. It would be nice to leave the house with old counter tops and then return home to see it all finished and cleaned up. Who couldn't ask for an easier project than that? Don't you think this would be my best bet in getting this project done? I am open to any other ideas.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

One More Piece of Info

I had one more piece of information I wanted to post before getting back to my daily routine was some wonderful information about my cousin. He recently found a new job thanks to one of the best Executive Recruiting firms in the world. I am so happy and not to mention, excited, for him. He has been searching for a job for quite sometime. With today's economy, this is something to really be thankful for. If your wondering how he landed this job then check out A well-respected name in executive recruiting, Spencer Stuart fresh solutions depicts the company's involvement in innovation and progress. Know more about Spencer Stuart's profile here. It might just be the answer you and your family is looking for. Now I'm really getting back to work, I have tons of information I want to post on this site. Check back soon for some great ideas and information I have for you!

Guess Your Wondering Where I Have Been

I haven't been on in a while, so I guess your wondering where I've been. Well first of all let me say, I have had a wonderful trip during this time of my absence. We were lucky enough to take a little trip. Well, I shouldn't say little, it was actually a wonderful vacation. We visited one of the best Cancun hotel resort that I have ever been too. It was so relaxing and full of great food and entertainment. If you ever get the chance to go, then don't pass it up. I assure you, that it is something that is well worth your money and time. We spent most of our time just relaxing on the beach, but did get to do some site seeing. We even visited a couple of flea markets and my husband played some golf, of course. Anyway, I'm back now and ready to get back to work. If you've ever been to Cancun, then drop me a note and let me know how it was for you. I hope to get back to posting some great recipes I was able to get while on my journey.

Visiting La Jolla California

A friend of mine just got back home from being on a business trip in California. She was going on and on about how good this Italian restaurant in La Jolla was that she was lucky enough to visit while in San Diego. She said it was the best she had ever had. She talked about the atmosphere and even the beautiful scenery as it overlooked La Jolla Cove. I just thought I would pass this word along for any other Italian lovers that may live or visit this area. I know if it were me, I would definitely check it out! My whole entire family loves Italian, so this would be a wonderful treat for us. If you do get a chance to go or ever been, then let us know your thoughts too. We always like to hear great places to eat while we are visiting other parts of the country.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Everybody Loves Coupons

I think everybody pretty much loves coupons, I know me and my friends do. There is nothing like getting a deal or something for free. I know I am constantly online checking out deals at each store, restaurant or business that I shop at often. Anyway, I ran across this really great place that is just starting up. Me being a coupon freak, it really caught my attention. This company is called Zibogo. I definitely am going to Pre-Register with Zibogo because I want to be notified of the official launch date. Also, if Merchants Register To Be A Beta Tester in order to improve their business, they are offering six months free for this beta testing. Isn't that great? I am so excited and can't wait for this company to get off the ground. If your a coupon lover like me, or a business in need of attracting new business, then don't wait. Get on this great deal today! Also, spread the word around so others will benefit from this wonderful opportunity. I plan on telling all my friends and family about this new launch so they can benefit like me. It is going to be a spectacular site!
Gorgeous Beaches of Goa