Saturday, April 4, 2009

Visiting La Jolla California

A friend of mine just got back home from being on a business trip in California. She was going on and on about how good this Italian restaurant in La Jolla was that she was lucky enough to visit while in San Diego. She said it was the best she had ever had. She talked about the atmosphere and even the beautiful scenery as it overlooked La Jolla Cove. I just thought I would pass this word along for any other Italian lovers that may live or visit this area. I know if it were me, I would definitely check it out! My whole entire family loves Italian, so this would be a wonderful treat for us. If you do get a chance to go or ever been, then let us know your thoughts too. We always like to hear great places to eat while we are visiting other parts of the country.

1 comment:

Arthur Braithwaite said...

As as native San Diegan, I tend to have strong opinions about our local restaurants.

Although I have enjoyed my meals in Acqua, I have found the traffic getting there and back to be too stressful. Now, I am a believer in the Mediterranean diet and one aspect of Mediterranean health that receives little attention is its overall stress level. So I tend to prefer a place that is also in northern San Diego County, Firenze Trattoria in Encinitas. (Online at The setting is rural and very peaceful.

Just as important, though, is that their chef is Tuscan and prepares every meal the way his great-great-grandparents did. Freshness, friendliness, and elegance are his watch-words. I always leave the place feeling invigorated.

Something else that is important in the Mediterranean diet, like the New Testament says, is to "take a little wine each day for thy stomach's sake." Firenze Trattoria won the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence because of the breadth and quality of their by-the-glass offerings.

It's not enough to say you believe in the Mediterranean diet -- you need to live it in order for it to work!

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