Saturday, April 4, 2009

Guess Your Wondering Where I Have Been

I haven't been on in a while, so I guess your wondering where I've been. Well first of all let me say, I have had a wonderful trip during this time of my absence. We were lucky enough to take a little trip. Well, I shouldn't say little, it was actually a wonderful vacation. We visited one of the best Cancun hotel resort that I have ever been too. It was so relaxing and full of great food and entertainment. If you ever get the chance to go, then don't pass it up. I assure you, that it is something that is well worth your money and time. We spent most of our time just relaxing on the beach, but did get to do some site seeing. We even visited a couple of flea markets and my husband played some golf, of course. Anyway, I'm back now and ready to get back to work. If you've ever been to Cancun, then drop me a note and let me know how it was for you. I hope to get back to posting some great recipes I was able to get while on my journey.

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Gorgeous Beaches of Goa