Monday, November 10, 2008

Lasagna Vanished

I was so mad that I decided to sit down and write....I thought, what blog do I write on? So, I figured since it was pertaining to food, I would choose this one. I had this great looking lasagna all fixed up and sitting on the counter ready to go in the oven. I leave the room for 5 minutes and come back to my dog eating it! Now I have to start over again from scratch. I was wanting Lasagna so bad, but now I am thinking about a frozen pizza


Unknown said...

That is so funny! This happened to my family at Thanksgiving a long time ago. We set the turkey on the dining room table and left the room to get stuff. When we came back, our collie was on TOP of the table eating the turkey!

Unknown said...

My parents used to have a dog who could open the fridge and eat. They had to duct tape it shut, just to keep him from eating them out of the house.
It is nuts what dogs, will get into.

The Power of Housewife Word of

ordinarymomss said...

Yep samething happened to me. My husband and son had already eaten and it was sitting out and when my daughter and I decided to eat it was GONE!. OMG I was soooooooooo mad!!!!!!

Laura Brown said...

At least you know it was a good lasagna. :(

Mommy said...

I don't mean to laugh. I know how you feel. I had purchased a whole rotisserie chicken from the deli at Wally World and left it alone on the dining room table. I left the house for a minute and came back to the choc lab licking his chops and no chicken. Don't spank him too hard!

Saving Baby Girl

Anonymous said...

OMG, that's so funny and :(

Hope the pizza was good. :)

Carrie said...

Awe that's too bad, especially after all the work you must have put into least he's got good taste!
Anything I Think About
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Pauline Evanosky said...

Oh, but just think. When your dog is old and grizzled the memories of eating your lasagna will be the stuff of dreams as he lays in the sun.

Gorgeous Beaches of Goa