Friday, November 11, 2011

Passionate about cooking

Posted by Jerold Austin

Cooking is my passion and it always has been although I’ve gotten a lot more into it recently since we got direct TV and I now have the Food Channel to watch. I’ve picked up so many great tips just from having it on in the background and to think that I’d been cutting onions wrong all this time! I love that my mother knows so much about Italian cuisine and I’ve been teaching her a thing or two about other cultures, too. She asked me to show her how to make an Indian curry last week and I just about fell out of my chair. My mother making an Inian dish? I’ll always believe ma is the best cook in the world but some of these TV chefs seem to be pretty darn good at what they do, too. It’s amazing to me how they can make something out of nothing and I hope that one day I’ll truly have that ability, you know? There’s something to be said for a chef who can think on their feet.

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